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XML Tree Viewer: Visualize Your XML Structure

If you're a webmaster, you know how important it is to have a clear understanding of your XML structure. XML is a popular data format used in many applications, but the structure can quickly become complicated, especially for larger files. That's where the XML Tree Viewer tool on comes in handy. This tool allows you to visualize your XML structure, making it easier to understand and work with.

Using the XML Tree Viewer tool is simple. Just paste your XML code into the website, and the tool will automatically generate a tree view of your code. You can then expand and collapse nodes to explore the structure of your XML file.

  • The XML Tree Viewer tool is free to use.
  • It works with all XML code, regardless of how it was created.
  • It makes your XML structure easier to understand.

Here's an example of how the XML Tree Viewer tool can help you visualize your structure:

Unformatted XML code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><employees><employee><id>1</id><firstName>Leonardo</firstName><lastName>DiCaprio</lastName><photo></photo></employee><employee><id>2</id><firstName>Johnny</firstName><lastName>Depp</lastName><photo></photo></employee><employee><id>3</id><firstName>Hritik</firstName><lastName>Roshan</lastName><photo></photo></employee></employees>

Tree view:


As you can see, the tree view provides a much clearer understanding of the XML structure. This makes it easier to navigate and make changes to your XML files.

In conclusion, the XML Tree Viewer tool on is an essential tool for webmasters who want to visualize their XML structure. It's free, easy to use, and can significantly improve the readability and organization of your code. So, if you haven't already, give it a try!